AI can empower all trades, "wisdom" to create a better life

As customers as the first love, as products such as life". EYECOOL to product landing and customer service as the first priority, the use of independent research and development of multi-mode biometrics technology to empower all industries and all forms, to achieve a wide range of applications in finance, community, education, security and other fields. For 20 years of intimate company, EYECOOL has served more than 2000 key customers around the world, docking more than 1000 channel customers, product sales of more than 2 million sets, direct or indirect service to 700 million people, leading to 100 billion yuan of market size.
With the support of biometrics and big data, eye technology has fully realized a safe, convenient and smart campus new ecology. With Shandong University, China University of Petroleum, Shandong University of Finance and Economics, Zhengzhou University of Light Industry and many other colleges and universities across the country to start the construction of smart campus, covering dormitory access control, classroom management, library management, examination identity verification, consumption payment, campus security and other campus scenes.


Intelligent dormitory access management system


1. Through the combination of face recognition software system and channel gate hardware equipment, realize the complete combination of offline face brushing and online management; 2. Developed face information collection, activation, ID card reading and other functions through C++, realized face scanning, identity verification in and out of dormitory, and face activation to prevent false verification information such as photos and videos; 3. Monitor and record management of students, dormitories, access, permissions and logs by integrating the channel system with other systems; 4. Integrate all the business logic in the server to realize setting and management of key personnel's whereabouts monitoring, WEB online query, real-time data push and other functions on the server; 5, with obstacles and barrier-free channel combination, alarm, two-way access, automatic query statistics, offline use, one card and other functions.


As one of the important places for students to live, dormitory security is very important, but because of the large number of people, there are different degrees of security risks. In order to realize the intelligent management of student dormitories, Shandong University cooperated deeply with Eye Technology to jointly build a safe and efficient face recognition channel management system for student dormitories of Shandong University. Comprehensive consideration of shandong university dormitory situation, based on independent research and development of multimodal biometric unified identity authentication platform, face biometric technology as the core, the face recognition technology, combined with the reality of each campus of shandong university to build the complete wisdom dormitory in and out management system, make the students enjoy the artificial intelligence era of efficient, boost the dormitory management, Let campus life become more intelligent.


1, all-round intelligent face recognition, to ensure the safety of student dormitories; 2. Accurate identification of dormitory students can effectively reduce the working cost and pressure of dormitory administrators; 3. Convenient, fast and time-saving, students can enter and exit the dormitory by brushing their faces without a card.

Contact us 400-818-9788
  • Address:Building A, Information Center, Zhongguancun Software Park, Haidian District, Beijing
  • 6S hotline:400-818-9788
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