AI can empower all trades, "wisdom" to create a better life

As customers as the first love, as products such as life". EYECOOL to product landing and customer service as the first priority, the use of independent research and development of multi-mode biometrics technology to empower all industries and all forms, to achieve a wide range of applications in finance, community, education, security and other fields. For 20 years of intimate company, EYECOOL has served more than 2000 key customers around the world, docking more than 1000 channel customers, product sales of more than 2 million sets, direct or indirect service to 700 million people, leading to 100 billion yuan of market size.
ABIS, a multi-mode biometric unified identity authentication platform, is a comprehensive biometric authentication platform based on face, fingerprint, iris, voice print, finger vein and other biometric technologies. It provides private or public cloud services for enterprise users to solve customer identity authentication problems. The platform has the characteristics of high stability, fast speed, strong scalability and flexible deployment. It is dynamically compatible with voice recognition, semantic recognition, image recognition (OCR) and other technologies. It can flexibly choose a variety of biometrics according to different business needs or combine a variety of biometrics to achieve accurate identification of customer identity. The platform has rich functions of identity authentication management, log management, operation monitoring and so on, which is conducive to users to establish multi-dimensional and all-round big data analysis model. Face recognition is introduced into remote identity authentication (APP), counter business system, self-service terminal identity authentication and other application scenarios.

Henan social security

Social security face recognition identity authentication


Eyes face recognition of social security authentication solution of science and technology based on its home-grown multimodal biometric SmartBIOS unified identity authentication platform, will face recognition technology is introduced into the counter business system of social security, remote authentication, self-service terminal authentication application scenarios, such as establishing ginseng protect personnel to face information acquisition and identity authentication system, The participants' face images taken at the scene are compared with the registered face database, ID card chip photos, ID card scanning photos and other face images, which can achieve scientific verification of the identity of the participants in less than 1s, and reduce the occurrence of fraudulent claims and insurance fraud. Counter system identity authentication The whole process of automatic identification of insured personnel can replace manual to complete 80% of the screening work, greatly reducing the burden of handling personnel. Remote identity authentication Remote identity authentication is realized through mobile terminals to solve the difficult problems such as distance, age and other difficult problems for insured people, and the qualification authentication can be completed without leaving home. Self-service terminal identity authentication Integrated into the social security self-service terminal, it can broaden the business handling channels of insured personnel, reduce the working pressure at the counter, and reduce the queuing time of insured personnel by 40%.


With the deepening of social security reform and the full coverage of social insurance, the traditional identity authentication method of insured personnel is facing serious problems: on the one hand, the mobility of insured personnel is strengthened, and the distance and age of insured personnel have become the great threshold for on-site authentication; On the other hand, the existing social insurance management system still has some loopholes, fraudulent claims, insurance fraud and other phenomena emerge in endlessly, resulting in a great loss of social security funds. Based on this, in order to make social security services more intelligent, convenient and safe, eye technology launched social security face recognition identity authentication solutions.


To realize the scientific verification of the identity of insured personnel, reduce the occurrence of fraudulent claims and insurance fraud.

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  • Address:Building A, Information Center, Zhongguancun Software Park, Haidian District, Beijing
  • 6S hotline:400-818-9788
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