AI can empower all trades, "wisdom" to create a better life

As customers as the first love, as products such as life". EYECOOL to product landing and customer service as the first priority, the use of independent research and development of multi-mode biometrics technology to empower all industries and all forms, to achieve a wide range of applications in finance, community, education, security and other fields. For 20 years of intimate company, EYECOOL has served more than 2000 key customers around the world, docking more than 1000 channel customers, product sales of more than 2 million sets, direct or indirect service to 700 million people, leading to 100 billion yuan of market size.
EYECOOL has a comprehensive intelligent identification platform integrating monitoring, acquisition, identification, comparison, warning and analysis, which can seamlessly connect with various business systems of the public security industry. It has undertaken the "sky Network Project" project in Guizhou and Shandong, and is widely used in the online security control system of airports, railways, subways and passenger stations.

Security project of a city in Guizhou Province

Construction of comprehensive combat platform for safe city intelligent identification


As one of the builders of "Sky Net Project" in Guizhou, Eye Technology undertakes the construction of comprehensive combat platform for Intelligent identification of Ping an City in xx District, xx City, Guizhou Province. Through the front-end prevention and control network (static and dynamic) + back-end services and intelligent analysis platform, the front and back end linkage, established a set of monitoring, collection, identification, comparison, early warning and analysis in one of the intelligent identification comprehensive combat platform.


Front-end prevention and control network consists of static and dynamic prevention and control network. Static prevention and control network relies on urban road network to realize effective identification and early warning of suspicious control personnel in key areas, which is convenient for public security departments to quickly locate video clues. The dynamic prevention and control network mainly relies on high-definition mobile devices such as vehicle-mounted and ball-controlling devices to form a mobile video prevention and control network, which can play a great advantage in daily patrol, emergency response, command and dispatch, case investigation and other scenarios of public security. The back-end service and intelligent analysis platform unify all kinds of image resources under the video prevention and control network into the video sharing platform, which can realize the rapid retrieval, analysis, analysis and other in-depth applications of massive data, and provide practical application services such as image search, video analysis and track restoration for different police users.


In the construction, Eye Technology makes full use of video information resources, combined with the public security application business, centering on creating "smart city" and "safe city", constructs a perfect three-dimensional public security prevention and control system, and realizes multi-angle, multi-level, all-round, all-weather data collection and comparative analysis. It has effectively improved the level of public security organs in terms of security, emergency response, stability maintenance, crime fighting, public security prevention and control, and service to the masses, especially playing a huge role in solving all kinds of criminal cases.

Contact us 400-818-9788
  • Address:Building A, Information Center, Zhongguancun Software Park, Haidian District, Beijing
  • 6S hotline:400-818-9788
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